Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Coruscant....located in the Core Worlds in fact the very center of the galaxy.Rather fitting Coruscant was generally agreed to be the most important planet through most of galatic history. It served as the capital for the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, Yuuzhan Vong Empire, Galactic Alliance, and the New Galactic Empire. Coruscant also served at various times as the home of the Jedi Order and the Jedi Temple. Coruscant was not only the political center of the galaxy. Most of the hyperlanes at some point would travel through Coruscant making the planet one of the richest in the galaxy. When seen from orbit, Imperial Center is a blaze of light and sparkling colors, reminding some spacers of corusca stones, after which this planet was named long ago.

Geologically, the planet was composed of a molten core with a rocky mantle and a silicate rock crust. At its poles were huge ice caps that were popular spots for tourists. The entire surface of Coruscant was covered by sprawling kilometers-high ecumenopolis, and boasted a population of over a hundred billion to several trillion, depending on the era. Following the end of the Clone Wars, an official census noted 1 trillion official permanent residents. The statistics did not include transients, temporary workers, unregistered populace nor residents of orbital facilities. Because of these omissions, the "real" population of Coruscant was estimated to be three times the official amount.

Coruscanti skyscrapers dwarfed all the original natural features, including mountains, as well as floors of oceans which once covered a large portion of Coruscant's surface. Areas of Galactic City were broken up into levels, megablocks, blocks, and subblocks. Coruscant itself was divided into quadrants, which were divided into zones. Below the skyscrapers was Coruscant's undercity, where sunlight never reached. Artificial lighting illuminated these lower levels and advertisement holograms could be seen everywhere. There were numerous establishments for entertainment, catering to a myriad of alien species. The residents were collectively referred to as Twilighters.

The Megablocks was one of the most attractive places to live for young people that wanted to be something or know someone. Where as if you dove deep into the subblocks to see the Twilighters, you were there to do business of one kind or another.

Zyria Meckley had been traveling the galaxy as of late. She had self proclaimed that she would find the stories that others were too lazy to find or not willing to go 'deep' into the places that other holo-reporters would. She had seen things in her travels that would marvel the most exotic minds. Of course, the Empire would only buy certain articles and holos based on what worked for the Emperor. Not surprising at all to her. She still kept her own bit of underground holo going. The subblocks is where she decided she would go to see if there was interest in her news…or what she thought would be news.

Looking at her closet full of mostly costumes to fit in where ever she needed for a story, she decided to go along the lines of 'grease the wheels of progress' to get information kind of outfits. Looking at her new apartment she glanced out the large plate glass window as it over looked the grand city planet as well as the neighboring tower of apartments.

She grinned to herself saying "I guess I won't be dressing in front of these.." as she closed the thin drapes and started to get dressed.

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